Partake - definitie. Wat is Partake
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Wat (wie) is Partake - definitie

v. (d; intr.) to partake of (to partake of food and drink)
(partakes, partaking, partook, partaken)
If you partake of food or drink, you eat or drink some of it. (FORMAL)
They were happy to partake of our feast, but not to share our company.
VERB: V of n
If you partake in an activity, you take part in it. (FORMAL)
You will probably be asked about whether you partake in very vigorous sports.
= participate
VERB: V in n
·vt To admit to a share; to cause to participate; to give a part to.
II. Partake ·vt To partake of; to have a part or share in; to Share.
III. Partake ·vt To Distribute; to Communicate.
IV. Partake ·vi To have something of the properties, character, or office;
- usually followed by of.
V. Partake ·vi To take a part, portion, lot, or share, in common with others; to have a share or part; to Participate; to Share; as, to partake of a feast with others.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Partake
1. partake in writing?
My Career Serial Dramas _ Jane Espenson _ Talks at Google
2. partake in this experience.
Slave Play _ Broadway _ Talks at Google
3. or partake in the festivities.
No-Kill Los Angeles (NKLA) _ José Ocaño _ Talks at Google
4. I mean not that I ever partake.
Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics _ Dan Harris _ Talks at Google
5. partake in trance states, and then
Cognitive Trance Meets Neuroscience _ Corine Sombrun + More _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Partake
1. I must partake of you, I must partake of you, some way I must partake of you.
2. Congressional staffers, however, could not partake.
3. Today‘s big–game anglers can partake in various offshore tournaments.
4. Soon, we shall partake of the Pesach seder, in which we recall the Exodus from Egypt.
5. It also said '6.5 percent of the population did not partake in regular physical exercise.